National Research Council of Canada Opens New Advanced Materials Research Facility in Mississauga
Nov 27, 2020
At a virtual ceremony, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) opened a new advanced materials research facility to serve as a national clean energy hub, supporting and undertaking foundational research of new materials for clean energy and other applications and transitioning them to industrial use. The facility will bring companies, government, and universities together to collaborate on breakthrough projects in clean technologies and advanced materials.
The facility will be part of the Canadian Campus for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (CCAMM), a joint initiative between the NRC and the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC). This initiative will establish a suite of accessible platform technologies for substantially accelerating the rate of discovery of new materials for a range of applications, including clean energy and additive manufacturing.
As part of the ceremony, the NRC announced the Materials for Clean Fuels Challenge program will be housed at the research facility. This 7-year, $57 million collaborative research program focusses on the development of new materials to be used in the production of clean and sustainable energy.