Siemens: Increased Productivity for Machine Tools and Motion Control Drive Systems with MindApps

April 18, 2018
Siemens is launching a new app for drive systems in the field of Motion Control called Analyze MyDrives, and has also introduced Manage MyMachines/Remote, a new plug-in to upgrade its tried and tested Manage MyMachines MindApp for machine tools with the addition of a smart remote feature. Analyze MyDrives and Manage MyMachines/Remote are special MindApps designed specifically for MindSphere, the open IoT operating system from Siemens, which allow users to utilize the benefits of cloud-based services and create added value with machine operation.
Digitalizing drive systems or machine tools enables extensive data generated by the drive or machine to be analyzed and put to use. By connecting to MindSphere, this process can be carried out simply by the machine manufacturer or user, significantly improving the efficiency of drive systems and machines and boosting productivity across the production network. In this way, these MindApps provide the starting point for totally new applications for drives or machine tools which enable innovative digital services such as predictive maintenance, energy data management or resource optimization.
Using the Analyze MyDrives MindApp for the Sinamics V20 and V90 converters, Sinamics G modular and compact, and Sinamics S (up to 250 kW), machine operators are now able to also monitor the drive components of their machines. The app captures and analyzes all the operating data, allowing the actual maintenance requirement to be detected by continuously monitoring power consumption, torque and frequency. The machine operator is kept informed about critical machine operating statuses, and machine builders are able to suggest preventive machine servicing as and when it’s needed. This eliminates the need for machine maintenance at fixed intervals, boosting machine capacity utilization and productivity, extending maintenance intervals and minimizing downtimes. The analysis of operating data also enables predictive maintenance which reduces the probability of unscheduled costs. The MindApp also allows the measurement of energy flows as the basis for determining energy-saving potential, allowing consistent energy-saving optimization measures to be implemented.
Manage MyMachines/Remote is a plug-in offered by Siemens for its Manage MyMachines MindApp which enables remote access to the CNC (Computerized Numerical Control). This allows complete remote control of the CNC by means of failsafe encrypted communication over the Internet, which not only improves machine availability and simplifies maintenance but also cuts costs in the event of a fault. By graduating the supply stages for Single Access, Conferencing and Remote STEP 7, the scope of performance can be precisely adjusted to customer requirements. The ability to record the entire maintenance process in different video formats makes for enhanced transparency.
The Manage MyMachines MindApp quickly and simply connects CNCs such as the Sinumerik 840D sl to MindSphere, providing machine operators with a cloud-based overview of key data and operating statuses across all the connected machines. The app allows relevant machine data to be captured, analyzed and visualized, lending users an outstanding level of transparency on the current machine status and its development.
For further information on the topic of CNC shopfloor management software, please see and on the topic of GMC digitalization, please see