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White Paper: How Can Low-Voltage Controls Contribute to Energy Efficiency?

Anyone who has been following the latest expert discussions on energy efficiency in machines and plants will have noticed that certain topics come up time and time again. The main examples are “variable frequency drives for optimum drive solutions” and “increasing efficiency in lowvoltage induction motors (EISA and NEMA Premium).”




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Pipeline Hack Raises Questions and Concerns: How Secure is your OT Network? – JMP Solutions

If you have been following the news and happen to work in a process or manufacturing facility, you are probably thinking about how secure your environment is, and if it is at risk for critical production halting threats.  Whether your company manufactures cars, packages food products, or provides an essential resource or goods to society, an attack could be crippling to not only your business but the population who may very well rely on the goods that you produce.


ABB Robots Increase Automation in Solar Industry

To enable the transformation to a sustainable society and preserve resources, production of solar collector panels must be precise, highly efficient and cost effective. To achieve this, Absolicon and ABB have developed the world’s only complete solution for the mass production of concentrated solar collectors, in Absolicon’s factory in Härnösand, Sweden.