
Four Tips for Designing Tamper-Evident Late-Stage Customization Solutions

Serialization legislation is requiring pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensure that labels printed at a late stage contain all data necessary for compliance. Since many product labels are customized by markets, customer, or product type, adding variable data to labels or packaging is a way to avoid stocking individual packaging materials for each variant.





Williams Advanced Engineering, Aerofoil Energy and Inovo Join Forces on New Robotic Test Programme to Improve Supermarket Fridge Efficiency

Williams Advanced Engineering (WAE), Aerofoil Energy and Inovo Robotics are working together on an innovative new R&D programme that uses robots to further improve the energy efficiency of supermarket fridges.





Automatic Self-Cleaning Scraper Strainers Filter Smallest Particles to Largest Debris

Unlike backwash systems, scraper strainers reliably resist clogging and fouling when faced with micron-sized particles, oversized solids, and high solids concentration. To enable its use as cooling water, industrial facilities such as power, processing, and manufacturing plants prefilter raw water from rivers, lakes, gulfs, and coastlines to remove organic, aquatic, and other solids. 





How Omron Helped a Company Safeguard Its Purlin Stacker While Maximizing Uptime

Large and potentially hazardous machinery is a mainstay of many manufacturing companies, and safeguarding is critical in preventing serious accidents. While it’s never acceptable to provide less protection for the sake of boosting productivity, many manufacturers are seeking to determine which solutions offer full protection while maximizing uptime.




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White Paper: How Can Low-Voltage Controls Contribute to Energy Efficiency?

Anyone who has been following the latest expert discussions on energy efficiency in machines and plants will have noticed that certain topics come up time and time again. The main examples are “variable frequency drives for optimum drive solutions” and “increasing efficiency in lowvoltage induction motors (EISA and NEMA Premium).”