MURR Canada: Virtual Opportunities Exclusive to your Team

MURR Canada: Virtual Opportunities Exclusive to your Team

It is safe to say that 2020 has driven many people to increase their online presence and overall engagement with online learning, networking and just staying in touch. With the cancellation of trade shows and many in-person learning opportunities we have turned to the digital world to provide us with those connections and opportunities we once had at our fingertips, literally.




Technology Tips: Combatting COVID-19 in the Industrial Workplace

Technology Tips: Combatting COVID-19 in the Industrial Workplace

Smart worker behavior influences the risk of infection from COVID-19, from hand washing to maintaining social distancing. Such efforts can be enhanced by innovative technologies, whether they are used to screen workers before entering a workspace or to monitor employee movement and health during work to reduce the risk of spreading infection.




Customers Prefer Robots to Be Human-Like in Service Interactions

Customers Prefer Robots to Be Human-Like in Service Interactions

Customers prefer robots to have human-like characteristics in service interactions such as banking, hotel reception, and information provision, according to new research from Durham University Business School. The research also found that customers prefer robots to have a human voice, show emotions, and physically embody a human not a robot.




The Many Types of Inconsistencies in Barcode Printing and Marking

The Many Types of Inconsistencies in Barcode Printing and Marking

Variations in the printing or marking method of barcodes and direct part marks (DPMs) – including poor ink distribution, incorrect thermal printer heat settings, or uneven pressure in surface abrasion – can hamper readability. Since no-reads can make production inefficient, it’s important to understand the types of print/mark inconsistencies and their causes.




Rittal and EPLAN Assist Valiant & Partners to Design a Ventilator to Serve COVID-19 Patients

Rittal and EPLAN Assist Valiant & Partners to Design a Ventilator to Serve COVID-19 Patients

When COVID-19 attacked the world in March 2020, Canada and the world rallied together like never before to wage war against the common enemy. Some mavericks in the Canadian manufacturing industry, such as Valiant TMS, decided to step out of their comfort zone with the objective of protecting people against the deadly epidemic.




Use SMD Fuses to Ease Layout, Reduce Product Size and Enhance Ruggedness

Use SMD Fuses to Ease Layout, Reduce Product Size and Enhance Ruggedness

The thermally activated fuse is the oldest circuit protection device and is still in widespread use. It is well understood, reliable, consistent, and approved by regulatory standards. However, with end products increasing in complexity and shrinking in size, designers need an alternative to the user-replaceable fuse and fuse holder in order to reduce the form factor, simplify assembly, improve ruggedness, and further enhance safety.