Industrial Transformation

Industrial Transformation

The current corona pandemic shows clearly the importance of digital transformation and Industrie 4.0. Just like Festo, thousands of companies have sent their employees to the home office. In this way, many areas of the economy have been able to stay afloat because digitalisation has advanced extensively in the private sphere.




Why Are Discrimination Studies Among Protections So Important?

Why Are Discrimination Studies Among Protections So Important?

Discrimination studies are an essential factor in the design of any electrical installations. Professionals carry out an exhaustive analysis of the electrical protections needed to guarantee the continuity of supply in case of failure. A good discrimination study allows the coordination of different protections at different levels of electrical installations.




How Omron’s NX-I/O Helped a Green R&D Services Company Cut Costs by 30%

How Omron’s NX-I/O Helped a Green R&D Services Company Cut Costs by 30%

Transitioning from an initial machinery prototype to a Generation 1 production solution can be a major challenge. Omron recently had the privilege of helping a customer move from prototype to Gen 1 on a strict timetable and budget. By providing a complete plug-and-play solution using the NX Series I/O System, Omron helped the customer cut costs by 30%.




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Don’t Work Your Data. Make Your Data Work for You.

Digital transformation. Smart manufacturing. Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). A connected enterprise. Industry 4.0. Whatever you call it, data drives it. Digitalization is a fundamental element of a food and beverage producer’s success. Getting it right from the start can be the difference between unlocking millions in operational savings, or losing the same in inefficiencies and wasted time.




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Cybersecurity and Manufacturing – Keeping Critical Information Safe From Attackers

We all know that we’re supposed to back up our data and secure our devices against attack. But too often we put it off until it’s too late. We’re busy, and we’ll get to it another day. And then, one day, we turn on our device, look for a file, and realize something is wrong. We’ve been hacked. The thought of losing our files, pictures, and data is scary. Scale that up to an entire company and the consequences can be severe.




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Modern Manufacturing Needs Skilled Workers with Automation Training

The need for skilled workers with automation training certifications is growing. According to the Manufacturing Institute, there are over 600,000 unfilled manufacturing positions in the US, but many applicants lack the skills and training to do the job. In the next ten years, this gap is expected to grow with well over two million manufacturing jobs predicted to go unfilled as the number of manufacturing jobs requiring higher skills continues to outpace the pool of trained candidates.




Phoenix Contact Control Cabinet Classroom Ep. 6: How to Determine Supplementary vs. Branch Circuit Breakers

Phoenix Contact Control Cabinet Classroom Ep. 6: How to Determine Supplementary vs. Branch Circuit Breakers

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between types of circuit breakers, especially since in appearance they look so similar. In this episode, the focus will be on the differences between two types of circuit breakers: Branch and Supplementary.




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Out With the Old – How a New Product Design Resulted in a Better Manufacturing Process

The scenario

A local manufacturing company had several high-speed production lines in their facility. After making changes to improve the design of one of their products, the existing system was unable to cure the new materials required by the company. In response, the company began sourcing a curing solution that would be able to bond the materials when they ran the new product.