Safety Components on Guard

Safety Components on Guard

Protecting operators from the safety hazards introduced by automated machines and robotic equipment demands an understanding of both the appropriate safety guarding level and the machine safety components needed to get the job done. As always, the designer must identify the safety risks, plan the best ways of addressing them, and ensure the proper application of safety components.




Robotic Industries Association (RIA) Elects Ken McLaughlin

Robotic Industries Association (RIA) Elects Ken McLaughlin

JMP Solutions, an independent robotic systems integrator, recently announced that their very own, Ken McLaughlin has been elected to the RIA Board of Directors to represent the System Integrator Category. The RIA Certified Robotic Integrator program was established in 2012 in response to an industry need for a benchmark to evaluate technical and robotics safety acumen, as well as overall system integrator business excellence.




7 Wallmount Accessories for Better Enclosure Performance

7 Wallmount Accessories for Better Enclosure Performance

In their effort to keep your electronics and critical process equipment safe, wallmount enclosures face numerous challenges. From extreme weather conditions and temperature fluctuations, to caustic washdowns and hazardous airborne particulates, an enclosure must be built to withstand the operating conditions of the specific environment that it’s put in.




How JAE Automation helps manufacturers use data

How JAE Automation helps manufacturers use data

Take a look at your production facility. Each step in the process has the potential to produce valuable data that can be captured, analyzed, and used to make stronger and more effective decisions. Leading manufacturers are leveraging this data to identify trends, mitigate the impact of downtime and maintenance, increase output, and reduce costs. By taking a strategic approach to data and understanding its role in the organization, companies have created a competitive advantage that positions them for future success and growth.




Getting ready for 2020 – The 5 trends driving innovation in manufacturing

Getting ready for 2020 – The 5 trends driving innovation in manufacturing

As the 2010’s come to an end, the beginning of a new decade represents a symbolic moment for manufacturers of all sizes to step back and reflect on the trends, technologies, and approaches driving the industry forward. With the accelerated adoption of new capabilities and technologies such as additive manufacturing, data and analytics, and digital twin technology, combined with a shift toward a more purpose-driven approach and an increased emphasis on design and strategy, manufacturers will be tasked with creating a plan that positions their organization for long-term success and growth.




Own Your Plant’s Future Now: Building a Digital Foundation

Own Your Plant’s Future Now: Building a Digital Foundation

You’ve decided it’s time to invest in digital technology to drive better performance from your industrial plant assets.  But how do you get started? There are many options vying for your attention. Different technical solutions from multiple vendors, different pain points you’re trying to address, even different priorities and objectives within your organization. Should you focus on minimizing lifecycle risk? Ensuring you have an optimal quantity of critical spares in your storeroom?




CEM Blog: Top 10 Barriers to Your CHP Project (And How to Overcome Them)

CEM Blog: Top 10 Barriers to Your CHP Project (And How to Overcome Them)

If you are tasked with implementing a cogeneration project, dealing with project barriers can be a huge headache for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that these project barriers have occurred before and can be overcome? In this article I will discuss 10 project barriers that we have come across during the implementation of over 30 CHP projects, and how YOU can ‘manage for success’ if they occur:




Get acquainted with Omron’s new mobile robot command center

Get acquainted with Omron’s new mobile robot command center

Omron’s self-mapping, self-navigating mobile robots are an innovative solution for automating materials transport tasks. Although each individual robot can act autonomously, there’s much more power in a coherent, coordinated group. Omron have put tremendous amounts of design and engineering work into creating the ultimate fleet management system for their LD mobile robots.




How non-contact door switches make standards compliance easier

How non-contact door switches make standards compliance easier

Safety standards are evolving, and it’s important for manufacturers to make sure that their machines are compliant without hampering operators’ ability to do their jobs. If the machines aren’t compliant, serious injury could result. However, if the safeguarding gets in the way too much, operators might try to bypass it, causing the machine to still be unsafe.




JMP logo Frappier 400

Collaborative Robotics Open Doors for Manufacturing

Collaborative robots, or “cobots,” are highly productive automated systems. They can unlock new applications that have previously not been done with robots and employees or more experienced factory personnel from tasks that are repetitive and tedious. Collaborative robots are intended for use in industrial settings by “collaborating” with human workers. Ideally, they combine the dexterity, flexibility and problem-solving skills of a person, with the strength, endurance and precision of a machine. These robots can safely work on tasks whether or not a human is working nearby.