PILZ: White Paper Security – all the essentials summarised

PILZ: White Paper Security – all the essentials summarised

Digitalisation not only involves the networking of plants in factories, is also brings new hazards of espionage and manipulation because attackers may exploit any security loopholes. Security, in the form of data security, is therefore increasingly important. This whitepaper is to support you in understanding the central aspect of Security and to implement any approach to a solution in practice.



DCS 2 HPS Encapsulated Transformer 400

Specifying Transformers for Hazardous Locations

There are many requirements to meet when specifying transformers, such as basic performance parameters that include kVA, low and high voltage ratings, line frequency, etc. One must also consider the environment in which the transformer will be used. It is common in many industrial locations to find hazardous materials such as flammable liquids, gasses, vapors or combustible dusts in sufficient concentration to produce an explosion or fire.



PBSI 1 CB 400

Automation in craft breweries and the influence of multi-national brewers

The craft brewing industry in Canada is a niche market that has gained prominence over the past decade, with considerable growth in recent years. The industry’s commitment to innovation and quality has allowed small, locally owned operations to infiltrate a market primarily dominated by a few multi-national corporations.