DCS 2 HPS Encapsulated Transformer 400

Specifying Transformers for Hazardous Locations

There are many requirements to meet when specifying transformers, such as basic performance parameters that include kVA, low and high voltage ratings, line frequency, etc. One must also consider the environment in which the transformer will be used. It is common in many industrial locations to find hazardous materials such as flammable liquids, gasses, vapors or combustible dusts in sufficient concentration to produce an explosion or fire.



PBSI 1 CB 400

Automation in craft breweries and the influence of multi-national brewers

The craft brewing industry in Canada is a niche market that has gained prominence over the past decade, with considerable growth in recent years. The industry’s commitment to innovation and quality has allowed small, locally owned operations to infiltrate a market primarily dominated by a few multi-national corporations.




Cyber 400

Tis the Season for Cyber Crime: The Importance of Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0

A scene we see all too often.  A busy coffee shop full of patrons sipping their favourite hot beverage, with the glow of laptops and iPads eagerly using up the available free Wi-Fi. Little do they know, this ubiquitous activity can open the door for cyber criminals to steal identities, data and attack any networks they are connected to.



The Threat of IIoT Cyber Attacks

The Threat of IIoT Cyber Attacks

In the case of many industrial settings, the IIoT is considered the answer for numerous challenges. The connectivity that’s the result of it assists in efficiency, productivity, and profitability. When it comes to utilities, IIoT helps manage the demand, and for public infrastructure, it can help governments in delivering better services, which include public safety as well.




Eplan Syngineer Brings Worlds Together

Eplan Syngineer Brings Worlds Together


For many design engineers, one of the central, day-to-day challenges is getting and providing information. Syngineer, an innovative cloud solution from EPLAN and its affiliate CIDEON, can help master this challenge. The software accelerates and simplifies coordination in engineering – specifically between mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and PLC/software. The system ensures better collaboration by promoting cross-departmental information exchange.



How to Build a Real-Time IIoT Application with Moxa’s ThingsPro and Cirrus Link’s Sparkplug

How to Build a Real-Time IIoT Application with Moxa’s ThingsPro and Cirrus Link’s Sparkplug

Moxa’s ThingsPro 2 Suite Simplifies the development of IIoT applications, facilitates data acquisition, and enables better remote device management. Using ThingsPro, users can configure commonly used finctions such as Modbus communication, data acquisition, wireless networking, and device management in just a few steps. This allows users to focus on developing applicatiosn instead of complex system integration.


The Future of Automation: Key Enabler for the Vision of Future Factories

The Future of Automation: Key Enabler for the Vision of Future Factories


The world of manufacturing has never been as dynamic as it is today. Automation powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Edge Computing (Edge) and Augmented Reality (AR) is driving a new chapter in the industrial revolution. The journey and progression of industrial machines from steam engines to control devices androbots are exciting and at the same time a bit concerning.



Bosch Rexroth – The Fast Track to Significant Results

Bosch Rexroth – The Fast Track to Significant Results

With IoT Insights Bosch Rexroth brings the analytical potential of the Internet of Things into the production hall and makes optimizing machines and production lines considerably easier. The new system solution contains everything that IoT users, including machine operators and maintenance technicians, need to be able to quickly collect, pass on and analyze data: sensors, a pre-installed IoT Rack including industrial PC and I/O modules as well as pre-installed IoT Gateway software, database and dashboard for local analysis and visualization.